Antioxidant Activity of Lotion Etanol Extract of Akway Bark (Drymis Piperita Hook F.) By Abts Methods

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Rani Dewi Pratiwi
Elsye Gunawan
Indayari Meygrit Rumbekwan


Akway contains saponins, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, quinones, and terpenoids. Akway bark has high antioxidants; antioxidant testing with the DPPH method on away bark gives an IC50 value of 9.68. The purpose of this research is to test the antioxidant activity of akway bark extract lotion preparation with the ABTS method. The study was conducted with the extraction stage using the maceration method with 96% ethanol solvent, then making lotion preparations with three lotion preparation formulations with different concentrations of akway bark extract (1.5, 2.0, and 2.5%). The test results showed that Formula I, II, and III had IC50 values of 71.41 ppm, 45.07 ppm, and 16.50 ppm, respectively, while the TEAC values were 0.143, 0.166, and 0.194 mM, respectively.  This study concludes that Formula I, II, and III lotion preparations show the ability to counteract 50% of ABTS free radicals and show the highest antioxidant capacity in Formula III.

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How to Cite
Rani Dewi Pratiwi, Elsye Gunawan, & Indayari Meygrit Rumbekwan. (2025). Antioxidant Activity of Lotion Etanol Extract of Akway Bark (Drymis Piperita Hook F.) By Abts Methods. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio Medical Science, 5(1), 1–4.


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