Effect Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles on Biochemical Markers and Oxidative Stress in Adult Male Wistar Rats
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Background: The assessment the health risks of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) has become extremely important due to increase their use in all fields i.e., health,industry ,commerce etc.
Objectives: To assess the toxicity of oral AgNPs by assessing the activity of liver enzymes; AST, ALT, GGT,and ALP.Also,assess induction of ROS and the concentration of LHP in male Wistar rats.
Materials and Methods: The study included 60 adult male Wistar rats, divided into five groups in each group 12 rats, groups 1 to 4 were orally exposed to AgNPs,once daily for one week at doses of 10,35,75 and 100 mg/kg,Bwt. The fifth group included acontrol group.Venous blood was collected after 24 hours of end the experiment. Serum TP,TBil and Alb were measured using an autoanalyzer.The chromatic method was used to measure serum ALT,AST,ALP ,and GGT levels according to the instructions of trade kits were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. LHP kits purchased from Calbiochem.ROS production were estimate according to Lawler et al.method Results: No significant changes were observed in serumTP, TBil, and Alb levels between rats groups that orally exposed to AgNPs and the control group(P>0.05).Increased serum ALT,AST,ALP, GGT levels,induction of ROS and increased concentration of LHP in rats groups that orally exposed to AgNPs with increasing dose concentration of AgNPs compared with control group(p<0.05).The highest two doses(75 and100)mg/kg showed increase statistically significant in levels of enzymes,LHP concentration,and induction ROS in rats groups that orally exposed to AgNPs compared to other and controls (p<0.05).The results from DLS showed agglomeration of AgNPs more than their base volume and the potential value of Zeta AgNPs was-35mV.Histopathological examination show occurrence of central vein damage,hepato cellular vacuolation, necrosis and Pycknotic in livers of rats after exposed to AgNPs.
Conclusions: Depending on these findings,it can be said that the short-term administration of high doses from silver nanoparticles causes increased serum enzymes activity,increased LHPconcentration,oxidative stress, stimulation of ROS and organ toxicity.
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