Determinants of Delayed Menstrual Period among Students of Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State

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Gbaranor K. B.
Ureh Adaeze C.
Mube A. W.
Adjugah J. U.
Ogbonda N. P.
Cookey-Gam I. F.
Mgbere M.
Kue B. J.
Ekeng O.
John E. E.
Maakai B.
Kinanen D. L.


Menstrual period is a normal and significant process that every female who have attained the age of puberty must experience in life and it is a monthly process. However, delayed in having this normal process every monthly is a concern. Several factors may be responsible for delayed menstrual period experienced by females. This research states to examine the Determinants of Delayed Menstrual Period among Students of Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State. Sample size for the study was 250 and participant were randomly selected and the questionnaire were issued to the participants to fill and return it to the researcher. Data was analyzed with SPSS version 26 and P value < 0.05 was considered significant. Results from the study revealed that some of the determinants that are precursors of delayed menstrual period observed were unprotected sex, use of contraceptives, alcohol consumption, use of public toilet, unwanted pregnancy, vaginal discharge, abortion, stress and infection.  Also, 98.8% of the responders have started dating and 78.00%) respondents agreed that they have been involved in intermittent sex without protection. The findings revealed that 98.4% of the participants have used contraceptives for more 5 years. However, 62.8% of the responders affirmed that they experienced milky discharge from their breast and 69.2% have done abortion. The study shows that 68.4% of the respondents used public toilet and 62.4% respondents experienced vaginal discharge. Furthermore, 65.20%) of responders have been pregnant without knowing. Results also shows that 73.2% of the respondents have conducted hormonal profile and 64.4% of respondents have hormonal imbalance while 94.4% of the participants consumed alcohol.

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How to Cite
Gbaranor K. B., Ureh Adaeze C., Mube A. W., Adjugah J. U., Ogbonda N. P., Cookey-Gam I. F., Mgbere M., Kue B. J., Ekeng O., John E. E., Maakai B., & Kinanen D. L. (2024). Determinants of Delayed Menstrual Period among Students of Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio Medical Science, 4(10), 851–857.


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