Antidiabetic Activity Test of the Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Arrowroot Root Extract (Marantaarundinaceae) Enzyme Inhibition Α-Glucosidase
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According to the data World Helath Organization (WHO) there are approximately Around 220 million people in this world suffer diabetes. Although this disease is not contagious, diabetes mellitus can be emergency. One of the food plants that has water-soluble polysaccharides (PLA) and a low glycemic index value compared to other tubers is arrowroot tuber.(Maranta arudinaceae L) contains high enough nutrients as processed food ingredients, with a flour content of 19.14- 21.7%, 25-30% carbohydrate content, a low glycemic index is below the value of rice, wheat, potatoes and cassava which is 96, 100 , 90 and 54 and arrowroot tubers of 32 , can increase insulin sensitivity to secondary metabolites and slow down glucose absorption and prevent insulin hormone secretion from the pancreas, so that blood sugar does not increase within 2 hours after eating. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the enzyme inhibitionα-glucosidaseand value (IC50) from the ethyl acetate fraction of arrowroot bulbs with a positive control, namely acarbose
The method was carried out by extraction for 4x 24 hours as much as 420 grams of sample with 2 Liters100ml 96% ethanol which was then fractionated using ethyl acetate. With test results non-specific parmeter ash content was 6.96%, drying shrinkage was 7.46%, moisture content was 5.91%, ethanol soluble essence content was 6.24%, water content test was 9.16%. Results of analysis of the activity of antidiabetic enzymesα-glucosidasein the ethyl acetate fraction of arrowroot tubers, the IC50 value was obtained50 of 12255,4 ppm, and a standard comparison of acarbose with a value of IC50 0.2008v,From data analysis of enzyme inhibition activityα- glucosidaseArrowroot tubers have less potential to inhibit enzymesα-glucosidasebut still has the potential as an anti-diabetic because it has the bioactive PLA (water-soluble polysaccharide) compound, its metabolite compounds and its low glycemic index value compared to other flours.
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