Anticoagulant Activity Test of Ethanol Extract Coleus Scutellarioides ( L. ) Benth
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Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth has been used as a traditional medicine as an antibacterial, anthelmintic, antidiabetic, and appetite enhancer and can treat various types of diseases such as coughs, hemorrhoids, boils, fever, diarrhea, and improves the menstrual cycle. C. scutellarioides plants grow in areas that have moist soil, such as rice fields, wild plants, or medicinal plants. This plant contains chemical compounds, including essential oils, flavonoids, phytosterols, alkaloids, and tannins. This study aims to determine the anticoagulant activity of the ethanol extract of C. scutellarioides. The method used in this research starts with sampling C. scutellarioides, making simplicia, extraction by maceration with ethanol solvent, and testing anticoagulant activity with two methods, namely the modified Lee-White method and the blood smear method. The modified Lee-White method was visually observed and tested on each type of human blood group, namely blood groups A, B, AB, and O, while the blood smear method was observed microscopically. The results of this research concluded that using the modified Lee-White method, C. scutellarioides extract with an extract concentration of 40 ppm had activity as an anticoagulant against various types of blood groups. In the directional smear method, preparations from blood samples were given. C. scutellarioides microscopically has anticoagulant activity because the blood cells were not related to each other, were still intact, and were separated from one another.
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