The Relationship Between Open Defecation Behavior & Handwashing Behavior and Stunting Incidents in Lae Motong Village, Penanggalan District, Subulussalam City
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Symptoms of stunting are recognized by a physical condition where a person's height is only below the normal range for his age, this symptom is also very susceptible to be associated with malnutrition with a long-term percentage that occurs in infants under five years old, also characterized by a z score of -2 SD (stanted) or -3 SD (severe stanted). This study aims to investigate the correlation between open defecation behavior & handwashing practices with soap and stunting occurrences in Lae Motong Village, Penanggalan District, Subulussalam City. It employed an observational analytical design with a cross-sectional approach, focusing on a population of mothers with toddlers, totaling 129. 56 respondents were selected as samples through accidental sampling. Data collection was conducted using structured questionnaires, with analysis performed through the chi-squared test. The findings reveal a significant correlation between open defecation behavior and stunting incidents (p-value = 0.022), as well as between handwashing practices with soap and stunting incidents (p-value = 0.014) in Lae Motong Village, Penanggalan District, Subulussalam City.
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