Prenatal Effectiveness of Gentle Yoga on Increasing Serotonin Levels in Pregnant Women <20 and >35 Years Old in PKM Area, Makassar City
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Yoga plays a role in reducing anxiety, depression and increasing serotonin levels in pregnant women. Yoga techniques aim to establish and maintain a healthy balance between all aspects of the body and mind. Prenatal Gentle Yoga is a solution that supports the safe and comfortable process of pregnancy to delivery.
This research was conducted at Bara Baraya Health Center, Antang Health Center, Kapasa Health Center, and Mamajang Health Center. The research design used in this study is a Quasi Experiment with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design approach. Sampling using a purposive sample technique. The instrument used was ELISA (Enzyme Linkedlimmuno Sorbent Assay). The sample in this study consisted of 24 respondents, 12 intervention groups and 12 control groups. Criteria in this study; pregnant women 20 years and 35 years, pregnant women in the II-III trimester with a gestational age = 20 to 31 weeks, pregnant women without complications in pregnancy.
Based on the statistical test (Mann Whitney test) the levels of serotonin in the intervention group increased (p=0.033) there was a significant difference, the control group showed no statistical significance (p=0.908). thus Prenatal gentle yoga is effective in increasing levels of the hormone serotonin.
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