Effect Consumption of Papaya and Jicama Juice to Total Cholesterol Levels in Hypercholesterolemia Patients
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Hypercholesterolemia is a metabolic disorder of lipoproteins which is characterized by high total cholesterol levels. Papaya and Jicama juice contains vitamin C. This is benefit to regulate the concentration of lipid plasma by inhibits the micelles forming, binding of bile through feces and produces short chain fatty acid that can reduce cholesterol synthesis. This study aimed to determined the effect of Papaya and Jicama Juice to decreased total cholesterol level of hypercholesterolemia patient at dr. M.Suherman Clinic Jember. This study was Quasy Experimental pretest-posttest with control group design. Total subjects were 24 taken by purposive sampling and divided into 2 group, namely control group (24) and treatment group (24) who consumed 180 ml of papaya and jicama juice, containing 65,45mg vitamin C for 7 days, once a day. The criteria of subjects was aged 30-60 years who had total cholesterol levels 200-240 mg/dl. Measurement of total cholesterol used GCU-meter Easy Touch. Data were analyzed used Independent t-test and paired t-tes. The results was total cholesterol level in treatment group before consumed juice was 226.17 mg/dl decreased 176.25 mg/dl after the juice was given. However, papaya and jicama juice had no significant effect (p=0.0103) on the decrease of total cholesterol levels.
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