Physical Quality Evaluation and Determination of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) Value of Forest Coconut Oil Lotion (Pandanus julianettii Martelli) from Papua
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Forest coconut fruit contains double-bonded fat or omega 3-6, tocopherol, or vitamin E. Vitamin E and some compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, and anthraquinone have potential as sunscreens. This study aims to evaluate the physical quality and determine the SPF value in forest coconut oil lotion analyzed in vitro. Physical quality evaluation includes organoleptic tests, homogeneity, spreadability, adhesion, pH, and the determination of SPF values by the UV-Vis spectrophotometry method. The results showed that each formula, namely FI (2%), FII (4%), and FIII (6%), was physically stable. The lotion preparation in each formula, namely FI (2%), FII (4%), and FIII (6%), has SPF values of 1.95, 1.57, and 1.19, respectively.
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