Dextra Tibia Fracture Resulting from a Traffic Accident

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Asan Petrus
Novri Syahputra


Background. By definition, blunt force trauma is a force that is caused by a blunt object on the surface of the body which results in injury.

Blunt trauma can be caused by objects that have blunt surfaces such as stones, wood, hammers, fists and so on, which also includes falls from high places, traffic accidents and so on, which are currently increasing in severity.

Case report. It was reported that a victim, initials N, was a pedestrian who was hit by a motorbike

Results: on physical and radiological examination the victim suffered an open right tibial fracture.

Conclusion. The female victim was involved in a traffic accident and suffered abrasions, lacerations and broken bones due to blunt trauma which required the victim to undergo treatment.

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How to Cite
Asan Petrus, & Novri Syahputra. (2023). Dextra Tibia Fracture Resulting from a Traffic Accident. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio Medical Science, 3(11), 584–586.


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